Biss. Frea Vives Bohemia "U"
"Universal Breeding Bitch"

Fullteeth * Height 53,5 cm * Weight 18 kg
2014 MVV - I.cena
2014 MLH - II. price, The Best Watter
2014 MJM - I. price, 4th place, The Best Watter
2014 Universallity Exam - I. price, 5th place (16 month old)
2015 Nomination for MRK - present
2015 Special Water Exam - I. price, full points
2015 Forest Exam - I. price
2015 MLH - I. price, 3rd place, CACT, The Best Watter
2015 NBP - I. price
2015 MJS - I. price, 4th place, The Best Watter
2015 MKS - III. price
2015 Universallity Exam - I. price, winner, 493/496 points, The Best Blood Tracker
2015 Blood Tracking Exam - I. price, full points, winner
HMCh. Ch. Alcsi Gergö & Bára z Varvažovského mostu
Alcsi & Prima
Father & Mother